BsB HoMe
BLaCk AnD bLuE tOuR dAtes
LyRiC's To BLaCk AnD BLuE
YoUr ChOiCe
FaVe SiTeS
WhErE To ReAcH uS
YeS PeOpLe, ThE PuPPeT Aj HaS iN HIS HaNdS WaS GiVeN To HiM By Us!!!!!
The pictures of the Puppet and hamburger was when we gave it to AJ at the first leg of their Black and Blue Tour in San Diego, CA on March 18, 2001.
Brian, Howie's Hand, and AJ(on the floor)
Howie, Brian, and AJ play with our puppet and sing along with it
Aj PlAyInG WiTh OUr PuPPeT!
NiCk AnD aJ oN ThE CaTwAlK iN SaN DiEGo(WiTh OUR PuPPeT)
WhO's PuPPeT Is ThAt?
WaTcH OuT FoR ThE ReBeL!!!
NiCk On-StaGe
KeViN LoOkIn Oh SoOo FiNe
HoWiE d. StRuTTiN HiS StUff At A CoNcErT
BsB DoInG A LiTTlE StRiP TeAsE...OoHh La-La
HoW **HoTT** ArE ThEy?
The BoY's BeFoRe A ShOw
WoRk It BaBy!!!
WhAt CaN wE sAy?
BaCkStReet DoWn UnDeR
OooH, *WoW*
BsB oN sTaGe
TiMe To GeT nAsTy!!! HiNt, HiNt, *WiNk, WiNk*
It'S yOu He WaNtS
ThRee FiNe CHiCo'S